Michael T. Michael - Dialog-On-Freud: Freud's Theory of Dreams : A Philosophico-Scientific Perspective book EPUB, TXT


Freud s Theory of Dreams evaluates Freud s theory of dreams in light of major criticisms and of scientific research. Rather than entering into polemics, however, Michael seeks to offer perspective and nuance to the debate. He offers perspective by approaching the subject from the vantage of the history and philosophy of science, and nuance by reaching beyond the traditional for and against polarity, asking instead whether the theory is more like alchemy misguided but important to the development of science or like eighteenth-century calculus right-minded but lacking in proper foundations. After analyzing Freud s arguments, he addresses the issues of the validity of the interpretative method, the scientificity of the theory, and how Freud s ideas bear up to modern neuroscientific and psychological research on dreams. This involves engaging with the views of critics such as Clark Glymour, Rosemarie Sand, Karl Popper, Adolf Grunbaum, Allan Hobson, and William Domhoff, and advocates such as Rachel Blass, Jim Hopkins, Mark Solms, and Claudio Colace. The conclusion is optimistic, holding the theory to be a live hypothesis fully deserving of continued scientific exploration.", Freud s Theory of Dreams: A Philosophico-Scientific Perspective evaluates Freud s theory of dreams in light of the many philosophical and scientific criticisms that have been brought against it. Michael T. Michael addresses the validity of Freud s method of dream interpretation, the scientific nature of the theory, and how Freud s ideas bear up to modern research on dreams, engaging on the way with critics such as Ludwig Wittgenstein, Clark Glymour, Karl Popper, Adolf Grunbaum, and J. Allan Hobson. Michael reaches beyond the traditional for and against polarity to offer a more balanced perspective on Freud s theory. He argues that reports of the demise of Freud s theory have been greatly exaggerated, and instead the theory is a live hypothesis fully deserving of continued scientific exploration."

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